Then Mother Nature decided to turn on the light switch and for the last three weeks it's been sun sun sun! With the sun however, comes the heat, so I can only work on the tiny house for a couple of hours in the morning (I'm not a morning person LOL) stopping until almost 5 pm when the shadows from the trees provide some much needed relief. Which is why I'm working on this blog entry in the middle of the day - way too hot to work in the sun! I had to take the tarp off to put the top 'plate' on the walls and it was stifling under it anyways.
So here is a photo journey of the build so far.
Can you spot the glaring error here?
The elevated area that juts out is where the head of the bed will sit. It will be built on a platform (like a Captain's bed on steroids) with loads of storage space underneath.
Way up on a ladder
Hello down there!
Finally, the front wall is sheathed. I'm standing at the kitchen window.
The rest is almost sheathed, I'll cut out the windows when I'm done.
The large opening on the right is for a set of French doors I got on sale at Home Depot. Nice.
Standing inside the 'living room' area with a sofabed I just scored for $25!
Me in my living room, come on in!